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endangered species
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endangered species
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Top 10 endangered animals
10. African elephant – only 10 000 remaining 9. Polar bear – 20 000 - 25 000 remaining 8. The bonobo monkey – between 5000 – 10 000 re...
Okapi interesting facts: - Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is closely related to giraffe but is smaller with much shorter neck and stripe on ...
Lynx interesting facts: - The lynx is a lone cat that lives in the remote northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. - A ly...
White rhino - endangered animal
The rhino is called “The Africa's Big Five”. The white rhino is the largest of the remaining 5 species of rhinoceros. Those species ar...
Top 10 world's weirdest endangered species
Rare frogs & endangered species
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