Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Grumpy cat (part 2) | Funny Grumpy cat memes

"Heeeellllpppp"... Grumpy cat sleeping...
"I love you, you love me?"... Grumpy cat "I hate you"

 "I'm gonna kill whoever said you were adopted"... Grumpy cat simply waits...

"God, I hate Christmas"... Grumpy cats thinks the same

"Slow down, you are gonna kill us both"... Grumpy cat "Good"

"Humans, you mean slaves?"... Grumpy cat - "I like you... sort of"

"Smelly cat" ... Grumpy cat doesn't like this.

Elton John "Can you feel the love tonight?". Grumpy cat - "NO"

Yoda - "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering"... Grumpy cat - "and then?..."

 Paris Hilton "I feel like the whole world hates me". Grumpy cat - "They do"

"Did you smile today". Grumpy cat - "NO"

"Don't stop believing"... Grumpy cat - "Never started"

"Today the dog, tomorrow the world"... Grumpy cat - "Good"

Grumpy cat twin human

"Did I lose weight?"... Grumpy cat - "NO"

Grumpy cat makes fun of all evil cats

Grumpy cat - "I hope the cat get smashed with the door"

Girl: "My parents didn't like Grumpy cat"... Grumpy cat "I like you... sort of"

Grumpy cat in jail

Grumpy cat as the sphinx

"Omg it is Christmas"... Grumpy cat - "I dont care"

Grumpy cat - just thinking

More Christmas animal pictures | Cute and fun Christmas animals

Unhappy cat... probably because of the Christmas present.

A dog is anxious to open his Christmas present.

 A cat and a Christmas present... again :)

Evil cat... pawned Christmas.

Sleeping dog will miss Christmas.

Two cute little poppies sleeping over the Christmas eve.

Cute Christmas dogs.

Cat is feeling all the comfort of the Christmas eve.

Evil polar bears funny comic... poor Santa was ambushed by them - "Christmas is coming... Santa is not".

Nyan cat cult

Nyan Cat is video uploaded on YouTube, on 15 April 2011. It quickly became the top 5 most viewed YouTube video for 2011. It is a great example of viral video and Internet meme. The video shows an animated cartoon cat, with body of a Pop-Tart, flying through space, and leaving a rainbow trail behind it. The music is a popular Japanese pop song. This video became a religion for some marketing and viral effect gurus... and it is still - just a nice cartoonish cat.

Cat goes into rage mode in animal hospital

The cat got scared by the animal doctor in the animal hospital and tried to attack him several times. No matter what the doctor does the cat just did not calm down.

Cats fight – epic battles

Two cats are engaged into an epic battle. It is really fun to see the speed of their fight. It almost looks like a very fast dancing and spinning. The cats are just relentless in their efforts to win over each other. Even their cat tails took part in the fight. It is amazing but the cat fight lasts for about 4 minutes and in the end one of the cat just runs away with the other cat chasing over.


James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen lives in London and he usually plays and sings around Covent Garden or near Angel. At a first glance there is nothing special about his pet – a ginger tomcat. If you stay there and observe for a while you will notice that Bob (the cat) is not like any other animals. Bob is not afraid of dogs or police sirens, he travels on the Tube or the buses like a normal human and even has an oyster card.

James found Bob five years ago accidently when Bob tried to follow him on a bus. Bob really believes he is human – many of his fans bring him presents from around the world and Bob feels comfortable around human beings.

James, who is 33 years old separates his life into two parts – before and after he met Bob. Before he met Bob, James was an addict and outcast. Bob gave him a meaning of his life to such an extent that James even wrote a book “A Street Cat Named Bob”. In this book he is telling the story of himself and Bob and he swears that every bit of it and true and amazing. James was lucky enough to find a publisher (a man who passed him every day near Angel) and hopes to be selling a lot of copies of the book.

Now James is a street performer and when Bob accompany him he usually receives a lot more money. But Bob the cat is not only a way for James to earn more money – he is a real friend. James doesn’t take drugs anymore and is happy that he has Bob and the he truly loves him.

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

James Bowen and Bob the amazing cat

Christmas and New Year animals

Animal’s Christmas and New Year Greetings:
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones
Wishing you a truly fulfilling New Year
Have a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From our animal family to yours: “May your holidays shine with the light of the season"

Best Merry Christmas animals quotes:
"Ho, Ho, Ho, and Merry Christmas!" – Santa (rabbit) Claus
"May peace and plenty of carrots be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through" – Snow-rabbit
"Joy and human friendship is the true gift of Christmas" – The loyal dog
"We will honor Christmas in our hearts, and try to keep it all the year" – The cool cats
"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree are the presence of the entire animal family along with our beloved human friends” – The happy animals
"Santa is very jolly because he knows where all the bad cats live" – The bad cat